Dental care is safe during pregnancy. It is essential to you and your growing baby’s health. This is because those surging hormones that are causing such a dramatic transformation in your body can also put you at increased risk in developing oral health issues that can affect the health of your precious baby developing inside you. One key potential result of increased hormones is gum disease, if left untreated, can turn into periodontal diseases. Some other dental issues that arise during pregnancy include erosion of tooth enamel caused by morning sickness; dry mouth, which can cause a number of dental issues; and pregnancy granuloma. Dental Care for Pregnant Mothers – What Should You Expect With careful planning and clear communication, Dr. Viral can watch over your optimal oral health throughout your pregnancy. The ideal time to visit Dr. Latha Dental Avenue is just before you start trying to get pregnant. This way we can provide you with a professional cleaning and treat any issues such as untreated tooth decay, signs of infections or tooth traumas. We will also examine your gums to get a baseline reading, making it easy to track and treat any changes caused by pregnancy hormones. Dentistry During Pregnancy Contact Us Once You’re Pregnant: It’s also perfectly fine to contact us once you know you’re pregnant. Ask us about any questions and concerns you have and let us set you up with an appointment during your second trimester. This is the ideal time for an expectant mother to receive routine dental care. Call Immediately If You’re Having Issues: If you are experiencing dental issues of any kind at any stage of your pregnancy, tell your doctor and contact us immediately! It’s important that we address any source of infection or sepsis immediately. Any delay in treatment can cause harm to you and your baby. Dental Care Guidelines During Your Pregnancy Get oral health treatment, as recommended by your dentist prior to delivery. Tell your dentist the names and dosages of all drugs you are taking – including medications and prenatal vitamins prescribed by your doctor – as well as any specific medical advice your doctor has given you. Your dentist may need to alter your dental treatment plan based on this information. Dental care, including use of X-rays, pain medication, and local anesthesia, is safe throughout pregnancy. If X-rays are essential (such as in a dental emergency), Dr. Viral will use extreme caution to safeguard you and your baby. Advances in technology have made X-rays much safer today than in past decades. Practice good oral hygiene throughout pregnancy. Brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste twice a day. Replace your toothbrush every 3 or 4 months or more often if the bristles are frayed. Do not share your toothbrush. Clean between teeth daily with floss or inter dental cleaner. Rinse with alcohol-free mouth rinse. After eating, chew xylitol-containing gum or use other xylitol-containing products, such as mints, to help reduce bacteria that can cause tooth decay. Eat variety of healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products and eat fewer foods high in sugar. Drink water throughout the day, especially between meals and snacks and choose water or milk instead of juice, fruit-flavored drinks, or soda.Communication with your dentist is crucial for excellent oral health for both you and your child. Contact us today to make sure you receive the dental care you need as you progress through pregnancy.